About a year and half ago I became good friends with one of the dads whose son was on my son Bryan’s baseball team. One day at their practice we started talking and the first thing he recognized was the Exploited T-shirt that I was wearing, so naturally the conversation moved to music. It was nice for a change to be able to talk to someone in Elk Grove who knew as much or more about music as me. At some point in our first conversation I mentioned about touring with The Nickel Slots and missing the family and he mentioned he was always on tour because he worked for Bob Dylan. Obviously being humbled, I mentioned to him that maybe one day I would catch a Dylan show and he very nicely said “Sure.” Since that first conversation over the last year and half our families have gotten together and he has definitely been an inspiration for me and has influenced the possibilities with The Nickel Slots. I do not think I would be in Europe right now if it wasn’t for him telling me that this is what we needed to do.
Once our dates were booked for our Belgium tour it just so happened that Dylan was going to be touring Europe at the same time. What was even more exciting was the day we arrived in Belgium, Dylan was going to be performing about 100 miles away from where we were staying. I mentioned this to my friend and immediately he said come over and VIP all the way. Everything lined up just perfect the day we arrived in Belgium. No flight delays, no luggage problems, and by 4pm we were in Bonn, Germany talking with Dylan’s crew and getting a tour of the stage. We had dinner with the crew before the show. Fortunately we were able to watch the whole show from the lighting tech’s platform. Not only was it a great start for our first tour but for me it was comforting to see a familiar face as I stood thousands of miles away from home.
The words “thank you” do not give this experience enough justice, but I will say it anyway. THANK YOU JOHN!!!!!!!!
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