Get our new songs here!


In May we started releasing the new music we’ve been recording for the past several months. We love Spotify and the other streaming services and digital music outlets, but for now we’re keeping it simple with these new songs. The one place for fans to get them is directly from us on our Bandcamp page! […]

Stream The Nickel Slots on Spotify!

Stream The Nickel Slots on Spotify now!

We appreciate each and every one of our fans, and we invite you all to stream our entire catalog on Spotify. Feel free to add our songs to your favorite playlist and share with your friends and family! Here is the link: The Nickel Slots on Spotify

Get your copy now

Front cover art for "Pack up All Regrets"

Our new album Pack up All Regrets is now available! Thanks to all of you who joined us at the Palms Playhouse for the release show. That was an amazing night, and a great beginning for the album. For those of you who couldn’t be there, you can now get Pack up All Regrets from our […]

New album drops February 22nd!

Front cover art for "Pack up All Regrets"

Happy 2019 from The Nickel Slots! 2019 is here and we are ready to release our new album Pack up All Regrets. As with our past albums, we recorded and mixed with the amazingly talented Joe Johnston at his recording studio, The Pus Cavern, in Sacramento. We are excited to get the music out to you all! […]

The 2017 NAMM Show

Chris and Bryan with Tim Armstrong

Thanks to our friends at Armor Gold Cables, I was able to attend this year’s NAMM show with my brother Chris and nephew Bryan. It was great to see Stephen Simon. Armor Gold continues to be a huge supporter of The Nickel Slots, and we love their cables! The NAMM show celebrates all that is […]

Be in our music video!

Christmas video shoot

Hey, Nickel Slots fans! You’ve seen our first two music videos, for “The Devil’s Chain Gang” and “On the Wall.” We had a lot of fun making them with Jason Knight, Sean Kime, and their team. Now we’re about to shoot our third, and we need your help! We’re making a video for “A Shot […]

Relive our night opening for Bob Seger


Back on March 9th of 2015, The Nickel Slots had an opportunity to open for the legendary Bob Seger. He had rescheduled the Sacramento stop on his 2015 “Ride Out” tour and needed a local opener. Bob’s management approached Andy Hawk at 98 Rock and asked for a recommendation for a local act. Andy recommended The Nickel […]

The Nickel Slots return to Harlow’s

Photo by Jason Knight

The Nickel Slots are returning to Harlow’s Restaurant and Night Club on Friday, February 5th. We’re excited to share the stage there again with Joy and Madness, one of our favorite local Sacramento bands. This night will be a mix of Americana, Alt Country and Rock & Roll from us, and some Funk and Blue-Eyed Soul […]

Our Christmas EP is here!

Christmas With The Nickel Slots cover

Happy Holidays, everyone! Several times The Nickel Slots have done special hometown holiday shows in December, learning a few Christmas songs to play for the occasion. These shows ended up being some of our favorite, and we enjoyed sharing our take on classic Christmas songs with our fans, so we decided to record some of these songs. […]

Another music video gets the spotlight

The Nickel Slots

We are excited to announce that we are doing a worldwide promotion of another Nickel Slots music video! Six months ago we kicked off a campaign with Steve Baker of Visual Image Marketing to promote our “The Devil’s Chain Gang” video, and it got us played on dozens of music video networks, over 15 music […]

Our first music video takes a big step

The Devil's Chain Gang

We were recently contacted by veteran Nashville music video promoter Steve Baker, who had seen our video for “The Devil’s Chain Gang” and loved it. Steve wanted to help us reach a wider audience with the video, and we jumped at the chance to work with someone of his reputation. The promotion we are doing with […]

Happy Holidays, and the Sammies are back

The band performing at its practice pad

We made a video last night to wish you all Happy Holidays! Here it is. Bonus: it’s got our brand-new original Christmas song, all about a wish from one Mr. Valentine. Enjoy the season, everyone! Also, nominations are now open for the 2015 Sammies (Sacramento Area Music Awards). Wouldn’t it be cool to see The […]

Video blog: The other Belgium

Photo of the Bouillon countryside

Belgium really is two countries. And it’s not just the language. Yes, people in Flanders speak Dutch and people in Wallonia speak French, and generally only the former learn additional languages. But there are other differences, too. Our first tour here two years ago was only in Flanders, so Friday’s trip to Bouillon, close to […]

“Let It Ride” releases May 2nd–free previews here!

"Let It Ride" cover art

After five months of blood, sweat, and broken strings in the recording studio, our third album is complete! It’s called Let It Ride, and we are releasing it at our Concert in the Park on Friday May 2nd. But we can’t wait until then to share these songs with you, so every day from now […]

Listen to Your Reverends

Steve Amaral's Reverend guitars

It’s no secret that I love guitars. I own my share of Fenders, Gibsons, and Rickenbackers. But this blog post is about my love affair with Reverend Guitars. I was first introduced to Reverend back in the early 2000s when they still made their USA series. Reverend loaned me a red Slingshot with two P-90 […]

Video blog: Happy Holidays 2013


Here’s a holiday greeting and a special song for all of our fans. Thank you for your support!

And the award goes to…us!

Jason Knight in front of the Crest, holding the three awards

Our music video for “The Devil’s Chain Gang” took home three awards at the Sacramento Film and Music Festival! We attended the festival on Saturday night, along with the video’s directors Jason Knight and Sean Kime, and had a great time watching it on the big screen at the Crest Theatre in between several other […]

Slots on the big screen

Sacramento Film and Music Festival logo

Update 09/02/2013: Join the band and the video’s directors after the screening to celebrate at Gallagher’s Irish Pub! Last month we were excited to learn that our music video for “The Devil’s Chain Gang” was accepted into the Sacramento Film and Music Festival. We’re very proud of the video and thankful to directors Jason Knight […]

Your very own Nickel Slots house concert!

Three band members around one mic with Chris on congas

We’re busy right now booking shows for this summer in large outdoor venues: festivals, park concerts, county fairs and such. To make sure we don’t get too bored with these wide open spaces, we want to play at least one intimate show. So we’re going to give one lucky Nickel Slots fan a house concert […]

Our Lucky Seven albums

Slot machine readout showing all 7s

You already know what the four of us sound like as The Nickel Slots, but not as much about the music that brought us to this point. We want to take you backstage to get a look at those influences. And given a certain song of ours, it seemed appropriate for each of us to […]

“Fare Thee Well” across Belgium

The Nickel Slots performing live

I brought my Flip video camera on tour with us this summer, and whenever I managed to remember I handed it to a roadie/friend/promoter and asked them to take some footage at our shows. We usually ended up with about five songs recorded from each show, so apparently five songs is the common attention span […]

Beer wonderland

The Nickel Slots each holding a beer

I’m a beer snob. I won’t claim full connoisseur status because I have several friends who know far more than I do about beer and a few who even brew their own, but I’m always looking to try new beers instead of relying on a basic Bud or Miller. So when The Nickel Slots decided […]

From festivals to clubs

The Nickel Slots posing with the owners of Het Keizershof

Throughout this tour of Belgium and The Netherlands we’ve had a variety of shows. We started with a town square, a biker hotel, and two festivals where we had a great time and met some wonderful people. But there is nothing like a club show on a weeknight to see how a community gathers together […]

Festival Saturday

Paul and Tony onstage at Zomerfeest

Usually, Saturday is a day for relaxing. Watch the game, chill with friends, go do something carefree. But on this tour, Saturday was for workin’. The Nickel Slots played four sets yesterday at two different festivals. The first “festival,” called Eddy Rock, earned those quote marks because it felt like someone’s backyard party. The yard […]

Five Thousand Miles Gone

Airplane over a map of Europe

Actually, it’s more than that many miles to get from Sacramento to Gierle, Belgium, closer to 5500. But however you count it, we’re less than a week from leaving on our first European tour! After playing in rock bands for years this is something that each of us has had on his bucket list, and […]

Rain at the Woodland Opera House

Woodland Opera House

With The Nickel Slots preparing for our show at the Woodland Opera House, I was reminiscing about when my brother Chris and I were kids and the Beatles tribute band Rain performed there. I must have been in 6th grade and I remember our dad provided the sound system for that show. Having grown up listening […]

Recently discovered live video!

The Nickel Slots live at the Apple Store in San Francisco, CA.

We wanted to share this rare live video of our performance at the Apple Store in San Francisco on February 10, 2012. Longtime Sacramento promoter Jerry Perry arranged an in-store appearance for The Nickel Slots. This video recently arrived in an unmarked box, inside a film canister with no note or explanation. We had a great time […]

Two shows this Saturday April 28th!


Yes it’s true, The Nickel Slots have two shows this coming Saturday. On April 28th we will be performing at the Northern California NAMIWalk at William Land Park right here in Sacramento!  We will take the stage at 10am. and the event will wrap up around noon. Then later that night we return to Hotel Utah in […]

No show Friday 4/20

Poster for the show with The Mother Hips, with The Nickel Slots crossed out

We are sorry to report that we are no longer playing Friday night April 20th at Toot’s Tavern. We apologize for the late notice, but just found out this afternoon that we’ve been dropped from the bill. Don’t blame this on The Mother Hips or their management: the facts we do know indicate that they’ve […]

Our bottom end gets a makeover

Reverend Mercalli 5 bass in case

Go ahead and take a good, long look at the photo. I know that it’s at least caught your peripheral vision. You don’t need to read the rest of the entry first, it’s OK. I’ll wait. Damn, isn’t that beautiful? That’s my new Reverend Mercalli 5 bass in violin flame maple, which I’ve had the […]

Live at the Apple Store S.F.

The Nickel Slots at the Apple flagship store in S.F.

The Nickel Slots were approached by longtime Sacramento promoter Jerry Perry about playing the Apple flagship store in San Francisco. When I found out, it felt just like the first time I turned on my first iPhone. I was excited, I was overwhelmed, and I felt special. I was excited because I have been an […]